M - F:
Same-day appointments Monday through Friday
See available appointments
Serving MI, as well as OH, PA, & VA
(please call to book for OH, PA, & VA)
M-F: 10a-6p
Sat: 12p-5p
Sun: closed

Telemedicine evaluations by a licensed physician.
Same-day medical cards via online appointments
New paperless electronic applications.
Only pay if you qualify.
Book your appointment online now!
Totally remote telemedicine appointments with our doctor, by phone or video, are now available.
We then share our opinion with the State.
When the State approves, you will receive an instant email from them granting you access to dispensaries & medicine.

Temporary card granting immediate access to medicine.
Permanent hard card arrives in the mail in 7-10 days.
We will create your online account with the State and do everything for you, however if you already have an account with the State please provide us with the email you used to create the account and your password when you book your appointment.
NOTE: If you have an online account with the State, but do not know your password, please call the State's MMMP office at 517-284-6400 and ask them to give you a new password. If we created your online account, and you have not changed the password since your last appointment with us, then don't worry we should have everything saved.

After your visit with the doctor, you will receive your approval email from the State instantly. This approval email acts as your temporary card and gives you immediate access to dispensaries and medicine. Your hard card will then arrive in the mail in 7-10 days.
While some dispensaries allow you immediate access with only a signed paper certification, this is technically illegal. The only legal way to immediately access dispensaries after your doctor appointment is by getting certified electronically and receiving a temporary card via email.​
NOTE: You need an active non-expired Michigan driver's license, Michigan State ID, or Michigan Voter's Registration Card to get certified.

In-person clinics are temporarily suspended due to COVID-19. We will re-open very soon. Until then...
We are providing
by phone.
Same-day appointments Monday through Friday